Are you a dreamer?

We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. -Arthur O'Shaughnessy, from Ode

Monday, March 27, 2006

Newest Whelan

When Laura sent this sweet picture of Jackson, I had to post it (although most of you have probably already seen it...). Isn't he precious!? I'm so glad Mom and baby are doing well at home and that little Luke is enjoying his new brother. If Jackson is anything like Luke, these 2 are going to be a mess! I can't wait!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

He's Here!!!

Jackson Lee Whelan!
Born 3-15-06 at 1:10 pm!
7 lbs 14 ounces and 21 inches long!

Shane says both Laura and Jackson are both doing great! Welcome to the world new little Whelan! You are one of the luckiest kids I know-- your parents and big brother are first rate! (I'll make the little guy famous as soon as I can figure out how to post pictures...)

Saturday, March 11, 2006

War in a Manger

The 14th Street Playhouse is currently staging the above production and we attended opening night last night with a few friends from our community group. The play was commissioned by an organization called Art Within who is attempting to do interesting work with script and screen writers of faith. The events of the play are taken from an actual hostage event that took place in Bethlehem in 2002 at the Church of the Nativity. While I believe the event to be riveting and cataclysmic, the play struggled to capture the intensity of the moment. Here we have Palestinian Muslim militants seeking asylum in a shrine to the birthplace of Christendom while being pursued by Jewish Israeli troops. The play attempts to raise a few questions of faith: Am I willing to sacrifice my life for what I believe? Is what I live my for worth dying for? Would the Holy Land be less ravaged by war if it weren't so holy? The play did succeed in this: I've thought about this issue much more than I ever would have on a typical Saturday morning. How can the events taking place in the Middle East become real to us in our comfortable, extravagant lives? How should we live our lives in response to the faith we profess?

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Paper anniversary

My marriage will be one year old on March 19. I am not mentioning this to receive well wishes. I say this more out of wonderment, bewilderment, amazement... To think that God can bring two people together who are physically, emotionally, spiritually worlds apart until one striking moment that changes every other moment forever. It seems like a lifetime since I was standing at the alter-- not in a negative way, just in the way that means I cannot believe all that I didn't know when I made this choice! "And the two will become one flesh" means you become inextractable from one another and had I really understood that a year ago without the beautiful context for which I know it to exist, I don't think I would have taken the leap. The Lord is brilliant in revealing to us only what we are able to handle, because of course now I know that who I am is made up of as much of Josh as it is me and I understand that and wouldn't have it any other way. In fact, I welcome it. He makes me a better person!

Speaking of marriage, all who are married, going to be married, or ever want to be married, should definitely read this book by Mike Mason, The Mystery of Marriage. If you plan on reading nothing else, read this book! Josh and I read it during our engagement and are re-reading it as a gift for our anniversary. This is the most helpful book on marriage that I've ever read (and I've actually picked up quite a few). The language is beautiful and he cuts so deeply to the heart of the matter. Lots of self-examination here folks, so get ready.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Music musings

Currently listening: Are you a dreamer? by Denison Witmer

Now you know the short history of my blog title. I have been listening to this album non-stop and I suppose it has stuck with me. You can find me singing a different track throughout the day. The lyrics are full of hope, heavy with expectancy, and resonate with sweet melodies that I haven't found in a long time. His style is storyteller acoustic, and a little folksy in the singer/songwriter way. Okay, I'll stop reviewing...I'm beginning to feel like Josh who gets paid to write music reviews, but of course, I'm not getting paid. Suffice it to say that if you enjoy yummy melodies and dreamy lyrics, pick this up. You won't be disappointed. Have a great day!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Blogs of Note

Since I haven't yet mastered the coding for a permanent "links" section, here are some links you may also be interested in:
Matt and Jamie
I think I'll have to ask Jenna to help me...she does have a degree is this sort of thing! If I should know of your blog, or any other interesting website, please let me know. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

A new leaf?

I must confess- I have been anti-blog for the better part of the past 3 years. It's true. I became instantly disenchanted with what I saw as a egomaniacal cry for attention. Isn't that so like me? Alas, my views have evolved. A blog seems to offer an opportunity for connection among friends who are far away from one another or just a fun way to chronicle events of the day. So, call it a pulpit, a diary, a soapbox, a waste of time...let's just have a good time. And please, post comments often so I'll feel validated and my egomaniacal cry for attention will have worked.